Posted on July 3, 2009, 2:20 pm, by asharp, under
You may be strict about eating as organically as possible, and you may seek cosmetics, toiletries, household cleaners and garden sprays that are as organic as you can find, but how organic is the place where you spend perhaps a third of your time? Even if, wherever possible, you only use products that are free from harmful chemicals around your home, have you stopped to think about the presence of nasty chemical additives in the things that surround you in your bed? You can make so much more of your bedroom truly organic when you purchase natural mattresses, duvets, pillows and bedding from
Posted on July 3, 2009, 2:04 pm, by asharp, under
For some, pet allergies are a problem all year-round, and for others it’s only the summer months, when cats and dogs shed more fur, that it really becomes an issue. Either way, there are natural methods you can use to help combat pet allergies in the home. Pet lovers can have allergies too, and not everyone wants to kick out their kitty or pooch just because the little one’s fur causes them to sneeze or their eyes to itch from time to time. For those of us who can’t live without our pets but who suffer for their love, and even for non-allergy sufferers who despair about the amount of fur flying around the home at this time of year, follow these pointers for a natural home that may not be pet allergen-free, but vastly improved…