Tips for the Best Nursery Bedlinen from Natural Home Products

Most people strive to create a more natural home environment, one that is free from harmful chemicals. Nowhere is it more important than in the nursery, and specifically where baby sleeps. Of course you want your baby to be as comfortable as possible as they sleep, but night-time is also important when it comes to their development and their safety. That’s why have brought together a range of nursery bedding (including organic duvets, pillows, comforters and mattresses) that are entirely natural, 100% free from harmful chemicals and which help baby to have a restful, comfortable, hygienic and, above all, safe night’s sleep.

As a baby sleeps they are growing, developing and assimilating all the new information they have processed in the day. It’s also the time that they can be vulnerable, with Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS, formerly known as Cot Death) still claiming all too many young lives. There are steps you can take to prevent SIDS, create a natural and comfortable sleeping environment and protect your baby from chemicals; primarily by choosing the best nursery bedding for your baby’s health.

First, choose a firm natural mattress, preferably an organic mattress. The firmness of the mattress is important in creating a supportive foundation underneath baby which will help with their orthopeadic development, and will help to prevent SIDS. Research into this syndrome has shown that suffocation could be the cause of some deaths by SIDS, and that firm mattresses with correctly fitting bedlinen can help avoid this. Natural or organic mattresses such as those in our range have the same benefits for baby as they do for adults: they help regulate temperature and improve ventilation, creating a hygienic sleeping environment.

Then, choose a cot pillow that will cradle your baby’s head without the risk of restricted ventilation. Our cot pillows come in a range of natural cover and filling options, and styles that are suitable for all of your baby’s developmental needs. Baby First Pillows have slightly raised edges on three sides so that the head is perfectly and comfortably cradled. Baby Support Pillows give gentle encouragement and support for babies to sleep on their side, important given that babies naturally sleep on their backs and sleeping on their front is thought to be a potential risk for SIDS.

When it comes to cot duvets, blankets and comforters, just as for the pillows and mattresses, make sure they are natural duvets, blankets and comforters and are toxin-free. A baby’s immune system is highly delicate and exposure to toxins can be very harmful. The only way to be sure your cot bedding is free from toxins is by choosing all-natural materials, such as those used in Natural Home Products’ nursery range. Our cot duvets use organic LambsWool or Cotton fillings with a choice of organic Cotton covers. Just as for the rest of the nursery range, they are entirely free from harmful chemical additives, to protect both babies’ immune systems and to prevent any allergic reactions.

A baby spends a large portion of their formative years in peaceful slumber (although it may not seem that way to new parents!); it is a vital time for rest and development. Baby’s cot is arguably the most important place in the house in which to create a natural and safe environment, free from chemical additives. Take time to choose the best natural nursery bedding and you can rest easy at night knowing that your special little one is also resting easy, naturally and safely.

You can view the entire natural nursery range at, where you will also find organic and natural products for your entire home.